Dirty Hands, Green Lands
We met for the first time in October and made a plan for what needed to be done in the garden before winter. The boys cleared the vegetable patch and we covered it in seaweed to ensure healthy ground for the veg we hope to plant in spring. We also planted lots of daffodils near the carpark and we hope these will flower in spring.
We are currently making plans for what other flowers and vegetables will be planted this year and we are making a timeline for this planting too.
Congratulations to our Green School’s coordinator Ms. Dervan and the Green Team who worked very hard to achieve the Green Flag ‘Global Citizenship-Energy’. On Wednesday 14th June, we welcomed Ruth, GOAL’s Global Citizenship Education Facilitator, to deliver a workshop in each class. The children really enjoyed the workshops!
Solar Energy is the Goal for Energy
Well done to the winners of our Green School’s Poster Competition. We chose our Green School code ‘Solar Energy is the Goal for Energy’ and held a competition throughout the school. The children also completed some lovely renewable energy projects.
We are learning about energy and how to conserve it in school. Our Green Team has meetings so we can talk about energy. Here are some tips to conserve energy:
Use a bus as your main mode of transport.
Turn off the lights and taps.
Turn off the whiteboard when you are not using it.
Keep the doors and windows closed when you have heating on.
Use electric cars.
If you are building a new house install solar panels.
Turn off your Christmas tree lights when it is bright out.
Only boil enough water when using the kettle.
Walk and cycle to school as often as you can.
Remember the rule ‘Walk a metre, drive a mile’.
We are working on the theme of ‘Energy’ this year. Ms. McNamara’s Second Class worked very hard creating Art work based on this theme with lots of great tips for energy conservation. The children have also signed up to Picker Pals and once a week someone in the class will bring the pack home and do pick some litter with their family.
Green Team
The Green Team are working very hard on our current theme: Global Citizenship Litter and Waste. Well done to all the classes who designed posters for our Green code: ‘All living things win, when you put your rubbish in the bin’. The Senior classes went a step further and came up with a Green code as Gaeilge ‘Ag obair le chéile ar son ár dtimpeallacht’. We have applied for our sixth Green flag this June.